Chaos Unlimited

What about Bob?
Bob has bought printing for over 20 years now, and also does photography on the side. Feel free to wander to your minds discontent.

The posts on this blog are the sole opinion of the author and are provided ‘as is’ with no warranties and confer no rights.

My Photo
Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

"and now for your moment of Zen..."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Looks like I made it...

Who would have ever thought that a poor farm boy from a small Iowa town could ever have made it onto an airline Watchlist?
There I was, glibly ready to get my online boarding pass from Southwest the night before I traveled, when a message was returned to my request stating that I'd have to go to the Skycap or a kiosk to check in; that I couldn't do it online. After repeated tries with the same results, (tenacity is a must in my job...), I gave up and went to the Skycap check-in the next morning...where I was told that, no, I couldn't check in there either, or at a kiosk. I had to go to the counter. I politely inquired why, and was told my name was on a Watchlist, or at least my name was close to one on a list. So I went inside, stood in line, and finally did get checked in. When I asked there why I was on a list, I was told that it was just that names like Smith, Jones, or Cooper; common names all, were sometimes flagged.
After getting my boarding pass, I sailed right through security, shoes and pants on, carry-ons unchecked other than the usual X-ray. Now just how did that add to the security of my flight? How did that protect other passengers from my wayward ways?
Do I believe I'm on a Watchlist because my last name is Cooper? Is that more absurd than believing it may be because I support, Act For Change; subscribe to the Tom Payne newsletter, and visit Michael Moore's website? Or was it the Clinton book I checked out from the library? Or the letters to the editor that I've had published daring to question the President's motives in taking us to war on a lie.
I'll never know of course. But, hey, maybe Tim Robbins will invite me to his next subversive Hollywood bash.

"Those who would sacrifice a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both." --Benjamin Franklin

© 2005, Bob Cooper


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